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Rolf Kind GmbH

Kaiserau 6-8
51789 Lindlar/Germany
Fon +49 (0) 2266 90125 0
Fax +49 (0) 2266 90125 43

General Managers: Markus Kind and Ralf Kind
Registration Inferior Court Cologne HRB-No. 38748
Tax Identification No. DE 122539757
Tax No. 221/5756/0220

Concept and development of this Website:

© 2022 Rolf Kind GmbH – all rights reserved


Some of the links on this Website are guiding to different services and contents. For all these links we refuse all responsibility, as we have no influence on their arrangement and content. Therefore we herewith dissociate explicitly of their content of all pages of extraneous services. This declaration is valid for all installed links on all pages.

Although we have researched and controlled carefully we cannot take any responsibility for the correctness and currentness of information and links on our website. If you discover any wrong information or mistake please inform us via our e-mail address

For used brands and logos the following is valid:

All rights are with the particular owner of the brand or logo. For services and offered applications within this Website is valid: the use of applications and services is on your own risk. Rolf Kind GmbH can not be held responsible and gives no guarantee.

All visible texts and pictures are subject to the German copyright; all rights reserved.

